Install SIM (System Integrity Monitor)
Installing SIM(System Integrity Monitor) on Linux server: 1. Download SIM (System Integrity Monitor) from here: https://www.rfxnetworks.com/sim.php 2. Extract the files. Ex. tar -xzvf sim-current.tar.gz 3. …
Installing SIM(System Integrity Monitor) on Linux server: 1. Download SIM (System Integrity Monitor) from here: https://www.rfxnetworks.com/sim.php 2. Extract the files. Ex. tar -xzvf sim-current.tar.gz 3. …
Solution Perform the following: 1) SSH to server as root and run the following commands: echo “” > /scripts/runweblogs /scripts/fixwebalizer Or issue the following commands; …
Solution It can be found by logging into your control panel (www.yourdomain.com/cpanel) . We offer a variety of popular web site statistics programs to give …
Plesk keeps a summary of important data for every control panel user. The client report is a brief overview of the account-specific system information. To …
To manually update statistics on Plesk hosted on windows operating system. Type the following commands On the DOS prompt type: cd c:/program files/swsoft/plesk/admin/bin statistics.exe This …
Webalizer produces: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.2 When you run the following, you get: [root@server]# webalizer webalizer: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.2: cannot …
For fixing the webalizer stats under Hsphere: Webalizer for windows: Following are the steps to be followed when webalizer not working for windows : 1)In …
Make sure you have installed latest hotfix 2.5 on your machine and in case of live stats 8.0 version you have to follow under mentioned …
The Urchin data directory is a subdirectory of the root Urchin program directory by default. This location can easily be changed by editing the ~urchin/etc/urchin.conf …
Urchin can be started and stopped with urchinctl. This is found in the bin directory within the base installation directory which is usually /usr/local/urchin. root@root …
Stop the Urchin Services: Start->Programs->Urchin->Disable Urchin Services Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the etc folder of the Urchin distribution. By default, this is C:\Program …