Using Webalizer in Hsphere
Watch this tutorial to learn how to use Webalizer in Hsphere.
Watch this tutorial to learn how to use Webalizer in Hsphere.
Cron is the tool used to control the update frequency of the stats. You can easily change the frequency by modifying the cron job. Cron …
Solution Hello Guys! Here you can find some common cPanel scripts which are useful for the task given below. Common cPanel /Scripts Install Zend Optimizer …
Solution Perform the following: 1) SSH to server as root and run the following commands: echo “” > /scripts/runweblogs /scripts/fixwebalizer Or issue the following commands; …
Solution It can be found by logging into your control panel (www.yourdomain.com/cpanel) . We offer a variety of popular web site statistics programs to give …
Webalizer produces: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.2 When you run the following, you get: [root@server]# webalizer webalizer: error while loading shared libraries: libgd.so.2: cannot …
For fixing the webalizer stats under Hsphere: Webalizer for windows: Following are the steps to be followed when webalizer not working for windows : 1)In …