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Install SIM (System Integrity Monitor)

Installing SIM(System Integrity Monitor) on Linux server:

1. Download SIM (System Integrity Monitor) from here:

2. Extract the files.


tar -xzvf sim-current.tar.gz

3. Execute the install script ‘setup’ that was extracted with the ‘-i’ parameter.


./setup -i

You should get something similar to this: (the bolded text is user input, and anything in the square brackets is a description of what is performed)

SIM 2.5-3
Press return, to view the GPL licensing for SIM 2.5-3.

This is followed by the usual ‘GNU General Public License’ which you should read over, if you have never before.

If you do not agree with the implied and expressed agreements
in the GNU GPL, please terminate your use of this software.

Press return, to view the SIM 2.5-3 README.

This is followed by the README file that is included with the program describing the software, installation procedures and configuration.

SIM 2.5-3
Creating installation paths: [##########]
Installing SIM 2.5-3 to /usr/local/sim: [##########]

SIM 2.5-3 installation completed, related notes:
Executable: /usr/local/sim/sim
Executable symlink: /usr/local/sbin/sim
Config file: /usr/local/sim/conf.sim
Autoconf script: /usr/local/sim/autoconf
Autoconf symlink: /usr/local/sbin/sim-autoconf
Cronjob setup: /usr/local/sim/sim -j

SIM 2.5-3 must now be configured for use on this system, Press
return to run the autoconf script (/usr/local/sim/autoconf).

So far we managed to everything up to this point only using the Enter key, but now comes the configuration part. This is where we will go more in depth.
4. Running the Auto-Config Script. If you are comming from step 3, you do not have to do this, but if you want to redo the configuration later, you can get this script by executing:




Thus, sim is installed on your server and it is ready to monitor your system resources.

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