I can’t login to DirectAdmin on port 2222
If you are unable to access your server via, then 1 of 3 things is likely happening: 1. DirectAdmin might not be running or …
If you are unable to access your server via, then 1 of 3 things is likely happening: 1. DirectAdmin might not be running or …
If you need to go back to apache 1.3 after installing apache 2, you’ll need to do the following: 1) Restore the old httpd.conf file: …
Cron is the tool used to control the update frequency of the stats. You can easily change the frequency by modifying the cron job. Cron …
Setup SSL Certificates for Direct Admin: This step is only required if you wish to use DirectAdmin through SSL. You will also have to change …
Step 1) Do you meet the system requirements? – Clean OS install: Redhat 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, 9.0, Fedora (any version), CentOS (any version). PS :- …
Collectively, preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm files are all executable scripts which Debian automatically runs before or after package installation. Along with a file named …
On a server with CPanel, you can log into the WHM and install it there. If that for some reason doesn’t work for you, you …
RedHat, as well as other distributions, contain the AutoFS utility. This will allow you to mount your NAS share automatically in a directory. There are …
Udev provides users with a dynamic device directory containing only the files for actually present devices. It creates and removes device node files usually located …
Need to change your access permissions using only the command line? Thankfully, a utility called CACLS.EXE comes standard with Windows, and can be used from …
What is Task Scheduler? Task Scheduler is a service that is enabled automatically when you first install your Windows Server 2003 family operating system. With …