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Common cPanel /Scripts


Hello Guys!
Here you can find some common cPanel scripts which are useful for the task given below.

Common cPanel /Scripts

Install Zend Optimizer /scripts/installzendopt
Hostname A Entry Missing! /scripts/fixndc then restart bind and apache
Install Cron on New Server /scripts/installrpm anacron vixie-cron ; /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start
Bandwidth issues /scripts/cleanbw
/scripts/fixwebalizer (To fix problem in webalizer that stop updating stats)
Fixing Mail List MailMan /usr/local/cpanel/bin/convertmailman2
Reinstall MailMan /scripts/reinstallmailman
Fix Permissions on accounts: /scripts/fixhome
Edit mySQL conf file: pico /etc/my.cnf
Edit php.ini: pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini
Edit Apache Conf: pico /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Checking Real Time Top Processes Login to SSH and run: top
Run cpanel backup /scripts/cpbackup
To try and fix domain controller: /scripts/fixndc

Quotas /scripts/initquotas – takes a while to run
/scripts/fixquotas – takes a while to run

/scripts/adddns Add a Dns Entry
/scripts/addfpmail Install Frontpage Mail Exts
/scripts/addservlets Add JavaServlets to an account (jsp plugin required)
/scripts/adduser Add a User
/scripts/admin Run WHM Lite
/scripts/apachelimits Add Rlimits (cpu and mem limits) to apache.
/scripts/dnstransfer Resync with a master DNS Server
/scripts/editquota Edit A User’s Quota
/scripts/finddev Search For Trojans in /dev
/scripts/findtrojans Locate Trojan Horses
Suggest Usage
/scripts/findtrojans > /var/log/trojans
/scripts/fixtrojans /var/log/trojans
/scripts/fixcartwithsuexec Make Interchange work with suexec
/scripts/fixinterchange Fix Most Problems with Interchange
/scripts/fixtrojans Run on a trojans horse file created by findtrojans t

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