How can I change the IP address my CPanel license is for?
Solution: The license will always be the main IP of the machine. If for some reason you need to change the main IP, you will …
Solution: The license will always be the main IP of the machine. If for some reason you need to change the main IP, you will …
Solution As root on the shell, via SSH, you should type `/scripts/easyapache` and press return. Select an option with PHP support from the easy to …
Solution Yes. Click on the “Tweak Settings” link under “Server Setup“. Within the “System” section is a check box with the heading: “When visiting /cpanel …
Solution 1. Is the license expired? This is the most obvious cause and simple to verify. Check https://verify.cpanel.net/ with the server’s IP. 2. Is the …
Solution 1. Log into your cPanel ( https://www.yourdomain.com:2082). 2. Click on the “MySQL Databases” link. This will display the “MySQL Account Maintenance” screen. 3. Now …
The default installations of Apache will set this up using the logrotate script. If you don’t have this configured automatically or if you’re using a …
On a server with CPanel, you can log into the WHM and install it there. If that for some reason doesn’t work for you, you …
This will entirely depend on your operating system, and mail server. Some general guidlines are listed here: Your cert will usually need to be in …