My VPS’s Virtual Console is not Working – What Can I Do?

A VPS is a virtual machine that runs on a shared physical server with other VPSs. A virtual console of a VPS is a feature that allows you to access and control your virtual private server (VPS) from Hivelocity using a web browser. If you are currently experiencing issues with

How to Use the Virtual Console with Your VPS

A VPS is a virtual machine that runs on a shared physical server with other VPSs. A virtual console of a VPS is a feature that allows you to access and control your virtual private server from Hivelocity using a web browser.  Using a virtual console you can perform various

What is VPS Hosting? Virtual Private Servers and Your Small Business

Chances are you’ve heard of VPS hosting and are wondering if it’s the right fit for you. After all, as every business owner knows, managing your own company or website involves making difficult choices. Beyond the obvious questions surrounding which services, products, or information to provide, understanding the technical requirements

How To Navigate the Supermicro IPMI Interface and Mount a Virtual Image

The IPMI interface is a very useful tool in the setup, configuring and troubleshooting of your server and its processes. IPMI gives you access to the server’s local console over a separate network connection which allows you to work on the server without it needing a public network connection. Processes

Which Virtualization Software is Right For You?

Virtualization has become a cheap and easy way to recreate a number of features on one computer, such as operating systems and hardware platforms, that would normally require a separate machine. Let’s take a look at how some popular virtualization solutions stack up to each other. Proxmox VE The Proxmox

FAQ for Heficed VM Migration to Hivelocity Infrastructure

Migration Questions What initiated the move to Hivelocity? The move was initiated after the acquisition of Heficed in 2023. Since then, we have been strategically upgrading our infrastructure in stages to ensure a seamless and efficient transition of all Heficed systems into Hivelocity infrastructure. Why are VMs being moved from

Top 5 Linux Server Distributions for 2024

Overview 2023 was an active year in the Linux world! Red Hat, the biggest open-source company decided to lock the source code behind a paywall, Ubuntu dropped default support for Flatpak for all its flavors, Vim creator, Bram Moolenar, passed away, and Linux rose above MacOS in gaming stats with

VPS Snapshot – How to Create and Schedule a Snapshot

Introduction Virtual Machine (VM) snapshots are a feature of virtualization software that allows you to capture the state of a VM at a specific point in time. VPS snapshot is a copy of a virtual machine and are useful for creating checkpoints of the state of a VM at a


Powerful VPS Hosting forLinux and Windows Best price-to-performance with hosting’s #1 rated support team Simple, fast, & reliable VPS hosting plans. View All VPS Plans The best price-to-performance cloud VPS. Hivelocity $4.00/month 50.189ms – Winner 140ms – Winner Hetzner $4.51/month 67.545ms 165ms OVH Cloud $7.00/month 58.023ms 184ms Contabo $8.49/month 73.225ms

Unleashing Scalability: The Benefits of Hivelocity VPS

As your organization grows, the necessity for a robust and scalable hosting solution capable of supporting your evolving digital infrastructure becomes essential. You might have the best application in the world, but without the systems in place to support its growth, your potential success will be limited. With their combination

An Introduction to Docker: What is Docker & What Are Its Benefits?

Containerization platforms like Docker have revolutionized the way businesses think about their data and digital infrastructure. By emphasizing optimal resource usage and scaling, Docker allows system admins to build focused, precise systems with minimal overlap, resulting in platforms and services which are more reliable, reproducible, and efficient. With its ability