Which Virtualization Software is Right For You?

Virtualization has become a cheap and easy way to recreate a number of features on one computer, such as operating systems and hardware platforms, that would normally require a separate machine. Let’s take a look at how some popular virtualization solutions stack up to each other. Proxmox VE The Proxmox

Why a Fully Managed cPanel Dedicated Server Is Right For You

By Fritz Stauffacher Eventually a growing business will find that a shared hosting plan or virtual server environment is no longer a viable option. Making the move to a dedicated server can be a daunting task. Many businesses purchase an unmanaged dedicated server, hire a developer, and have a site

Dedicated Servers Built and Optimized for vBulletin Now Available

By: Iain Kidd At some point, every forum owner starts to notice the same things. First, pages load a little bit slower than they used to. Occasionally it will take so long that you end up refreshing the page. Then members start to notice it as well, and start wondering

Looking for Server Colocation Solutions?

Although many think of this as simply “server operation outsourcing,” there are a number of things that customers have to figure out when they are selecting colocation services; things that they are responsible for even though the servers will be housed off-site. Hardware and Operational Questions Obviously, those who are

Minecraft Server Buying Guide

By: Jason Sayre When shopping for a Minecraft server, you’re often presented with servers traditionally meant for one thing: hosting websites. By now, you’re used to running a java heavy server application that eats ram like candy. Your hosting company may not be used to these types of applications and

How to Use Cat Command on a Linux Server

Viewing Text File Content The cat command allows you to read /view the contents of the text files without editing them. The easiest method of reading a file is to use the cat command followed by the filename, as shown in the example below: cat logfile.txt Moving Through Long Text

Steps to resolve the error named Failed

rndc: connect failed: connection refused If you get following errors while checking /var/log/message in case named fails named[7330]: using 1 CPU named[7330]: loading configuration: failure named[7330]: exiting (due to fatal error) Then execute the following command at root prompt. Initially login to your server as root. Fire the following command:

How to Kill a Linux Process Using the “kill” Command

A process in Linux is an instance of a running program. Each process has a unique identifier called a process ID (PID) that is used by the operating system to manage it. Processes can be created by executing commands or by other processes (called parent processes) that fork new processes

How can you have a page which would show you apache status?

You can also check and monitor Apache server’s current status on the web page without using log files. Modify httpd.conf file and add the following code into it: ExtendedStatus On <Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status Deny from all Order deny,allow Allow from localhost 192.168,1,56 Allow from .anotherdomain.com </Location>   Restart apache

What is the Difference Between Dual-Core and Quad-Core Processors?

If you’ve been working with computers for any length of time, you probably know that quad-core processors are faster than dual-core processors. But why? Well, the answer comes down to simple mathematics.   Dual-Core vs. Quad-Core As you may have already guessed from their names, a dual-core processor has two