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How to perform a manual cPanel migration (Updated)

This how to will provide you instructions for performing a manual cpanel migration for if or when the WHM Transfer Tool produces errors due to possibly account sizes or database sizes to work effectively or if you simply prefer commandline scripting.

Connect to the source server via SSH terminal

Use an SSH terminal application like Putty or another OpenSSH client to connect to your server with the root credentials provided in your servers welcome letter.

You will need:

  • Server IP address
  • Server SSH port (22 is default — if you see Connection refused error, you are using the wrong SSH port)
  • User: root or sudoer user
  • Password

If you are unsure what your source server credentials are, please contact the hosting providers support for assistance. If it’s a server with us, please request a password reset through your portal by issuing a ticket to general support or email us

1. Package the account on source server

Perform the following while connected to your server via SSH terminal application.
Replace cpaneluser with the cpanel account username you are trying to package
/scripts/pkgacct cpaneluser This should effectively create a cpmove-cpaneluser.tar.gz archive file of your entire cpanel account.

2. Transfer the cpmove archives to your destination server

You can use any SSH FTP SFTP client such as FileZilla to move the archive files to your destination server.

To transfer via commandline, you can use rsync from the source server to push the files to the new servers /home directory
Replace PORT#DESTSERVER with the port number such as 22 or XXXX if custom
Replace CPANELUSER within /home/cpmove- entries to migrate individual archives or you can use /home/cpmove-* in the second example below
Replace DESTINATIONIP with your destination server IP address e.g.
rsync -vrplogDtH -e “ssh -p PORT#DESTSERVER” /home/cpmove-CPANELUSER.tar.gz root@DESTINATIONIP:/home/cpmove-CPANELUSER.tar.gz Example 2 – transferring all cpmove files rsync -vrplogDtH -e “ssh -p PORT#DESTSERVER” /home/cpmove-*.tar.gz root@DESTINATIONIP:/home/

3. Restore the packages on the destination server

After all of the archives have been transferred, you then need to connect to your destination server via SSH terminal and perform for each account: /scripts/restorepkg cpaneluser After performing the above for each account, you should now have restored packaged to the destination server

If you thought that was helpful, check out this article on How to mount your cloud storage drive on your CentOS, RHEL or Fedora systems from our Impressive Support staff

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