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How to mount your cloud storage drive on your CentOS, RHEL or Fedora systems

*Update 10/2021: Please note, this is an EOL product no longer being offered to new customers.

This how to will provide you instructions for mounting your cloud storage to your CentOS, RHEL or Fedora system as a usable drive. This can be very useful and helpful when performing tasks and/or moving/manipulating files to and from your cloud storage device.

Retrieve your cloud storage information

First login to and navigate to Services & Hardware.

Next, click the Cloud Storage button at the top. Once you are in the Cloud Storage page you will see Login Details. Please copy these details safely or keep this tab open as you will need these credentials later.

Cloud Storage Manager Screenshot

Now your ready to begin configuring the server

Use an SSH terminal application like Putty or another OpenSSH client to connect to your server with the root credentials provided in your servers welcome letter.

You will need:

  • Server IP address
  • Server SSH port (22 is default — if you see Connection refused error, you are using the wrong SSH port)
  • User: root or sudoer user
  • Password

If you are unsure what your credentials are, please request a password reset through your portal by issuing a ticket to general support or email us

1. Install SSHFS

Perform the following while connected to your server via SSH terminal application.
yum install sshfs

2. Create mount directory

mkdir /cloud-storage

3. Mount remote filesystem

Replace yourusername with your cloudstorage login username
Replace cloudstoragedomain with cloud storage IP or domain ( or etc) found within your -> Cloud Storage information sshfs yourusername@cloudstoragedomain:/ /cloud-storage Example line would something like: sshfs /cloud-storage

4. Check the new mounted drive contents

Check to make sure the mount was created successfully df -h You should now see the mount listed at the end

Also check to see if your storage contents can be listed ls -lh /cloud-storage

5. Configure the system to remount upon reboots

nano /etc/fstab Navigate to the bottom of this file and insert the mount line: sshfs#yourusername@cloudstoragedomain:/ /cloud-storage fuse defaults 0 0

6. Unmounting the drive

If you need unmount the drive at any time, you simply need to perform the following. umount /cloud-storage

If you thought that was helpful, check out this article on How to use RSYNC with cloudstorage from our Impressive Support staff

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