If you are in the market for a hosting solution, you know there are many different options available. The different environments and configuration types have their advantages and disadvantages, so finding the right combination is the key. A dedicated server offers a long list of benefits ranging from security, control, customization, reliability, and 24/7 support that make it a leading option for many.

The Benefits of Dedicated Servers

In the following sections, we’ll take a look at the various benefits offered by dedicated servers solutions over other hosting alternatives such as shared or virtual private servers.


When compared to any virtualized solution, aka cloud hosting, dedicated server hosting will always perform better even if the two solutions seem to have the same amount of CPU cores, RAM, and drive space.

There are several variables that lead to the degraded performance of virtual server and cloud solutions. The first of these variables is the fact it is easy and common for cloud server providers to oversell the resources of the servers they use.

To clarify this point, let’s consider a common hypervisor server configuration used by many cloud providers in the industry, a Dual E5-2620 Xeon. This server has 16 physical cores + 16 virtual cores from hyperthreading, providing a total of 32 cores (we will get into virtual cores in a minute). You would think the most single core VMs a cloud provider could put on this system would be 32, or 16 dual core VMS right? Wrong! Cloud providers are able to monitor resource usage and if you purchased a 2 core VM but only use half a core of power they can sell the other 1 and 1/2 cores to someone else, effectively overselling and overloading the actual resources of the server. Common sense tells you that if you are sharing 32 cores with more than 32 other users you are not going to experience optimal performance.

Next, let’s talk about “virtual cores’. If you were to purchase an 8 core VM on the cloud, what you are really getting is 4 physical cores and 4 virtual cores, which is definitely not the same as getting an 8 core CPU within a dedicated server. You will notice most every cloud provider refers to CPU resources as “v cores”. This is their slick way of selling you half of what you think you are getting. An 8 core CPU on a dedicated server gives you the full power of 8 physical cores PLUS an additional 8 virtual cores from hyperthreading. In other words, you can expect TWICE the processing power from an 8 core dedicated server compared to an 8 core VM.

Lastly, there is the resource overhead of virtualizing a physical server, which is all the cloud really is, a virtualized physical server. The backend software that makes a server “virtualized” or “cloudified” requires system resources which results in a nice little performance tax on your solution. With a dedicated server, there is no performance tax, there are no other users, there is no over-selling. You get 100% of the server’s performance and capacity all to yourself.



Higher Levels of Security

Are dedicated servers more secure? If you are asking this question, then security is a key element in your search for a dedicated server hosting solution. A dedicated server might be the right choice for you when it comes to security. Part of the proof is in the name “dedicated”. Unlike virtual private server options, a dedicated server, and the resources connected to it, do not reside on a machine where multiple points of data are being transmitted. Since the resource is not shared, the physical access to the machine is far more controlled when compared to alternative server configurations and hosting environments. Physical security is also a key factor. When purchasing a dedicated server from a hosting provider like Hivelocity, dedicated servers are housed in a secure data center with controlled access points for on-site personnel. This heightened level of security also makes HIPAA and PCI compliance easier to achieve with dedicated servers. Hivelocity offers managed services if you want our assistance hardening your server and keeping it secure for the duration of your service.


Tampa data center facility certifications include SSAE-16 SOC 1, SSAE-16 SOC 2, ISAE-3402, HIPAA compliant, PCI compliant, located outside 500 year flood zone Zone X, exterior walls built with dual layer concrete reinforcement.


Greater Access Control

With a dedicated server, the user is given Administrative or “Root Access” to the server. This level of access gives you greater control over the hardware and software on the device and would not be possible if resources or data on the server were being shared by different users. You will be able to configure the server, and the resources it uses as you see fit.

Fast Customization & Scalability

Dedicated servers can be quickly configured to include the right mix of processing power and storage to meet your specific needs. Our servers can be custom configured thousands of different ways, ensuring you are given the exact hardware that best suits your requirements. Since your computing needs will likely change over time, a dedicated server also offers the flexibility that many require from a hosting solution that is expected to grow over time.

Upgrading to a CPU with more cores or higher clockspeed, adding more RAM, or a larger hard drive is quick and easy and typically requires just a few minutes of downtime. When you open a ticket with our sales team, you’ll be able to discuss the right options based on your growing needs, and schedule your upgrade at an optimal time for you.

Infrastructure Reliability

Given their physical nature, dedicated servers are housed in a data center. These data centers offer redundant power sources to keep servers up and running when local power grids fail. Hivelocity data centers have a mixture of diverse utility feeds and backup diesel generator power to keep data flowing when the power is out.

One of our highly trained and certified tech in our Tampa Data Center working on dedicated server power redundancy.

24/7 On-Premise Support

When you configure a dedicated server with Hivelocity, you can rest easy knowing that your hardware is backed by 24/7 on-premise support from an on-site Hivelocity team member. This support is available via phone, live chat, or help ticket submission at any of our data centers in New York City, Tampa, Los Angeles, and Atlanta.

If you are searching for a dedicated server hosting solution, contact the team at Hivelocity today to discuss your options.


Additional Links:

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3 thoughts on “Six Benefits of Dedicated Server Hosting”

  1. hi,
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