Edited by: Jacqueline Johnson

What’s Your Time Worth?

Managed dedicated servers don’t require you to have internal staff doing what our data centers do to maintain hardware at its peak functionality. Between security, testing, upgrades, downloads, reboots, troubleshooting, and other associated necessities of server management, you’re apt to find a collateral cost to running your own dedicated server.

Look at it this way: it may cost you less to buy oil, jack your car up, empty the reservoir into a pan, and put the new oil in yourself. You’re out an hour of your time and a $10 can of oil. The question is: what is that hour of time worth? If it’s only worth about $10 to you, then for $20, you got an oil change.

But if your time is worth $100 an hour, then by doing the oil change yourself, you just spent $110 on what you could have gotten for $30 or $40 at a lube joint — and in less time. Managing a server internally is like doing the oil change yourself.

For some businesses, this will be a more cost-effective option. But, for those who are operating at a higher level, it makes more sense to go with a managed dedicated server. To help inform you, the following analysis will go deeper into what dedicated servers are, as well as the features of managed versus unmanaged services.

What Are Dedicated Servers?

Managed Servers at a Hivelocity Data Center


Dedicated servers are basically servers stored within a data center that clients can secure for a recurring subscription fee. This makes dedicated servers a great option for businesses who are looking to reduce expenses.

Managing servers externally, rather than acquiring them at greater expense on-site, provides the same utility without need for a massive budget.

Dedicated servers are top of the line, designed for enterprise functionality, and function at the technological cutting-edge. Accordingly, many clients don’t have the ability to run such IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) options at the fullest potential, or securely, through their own management protocols.

Unmanaged Dedicated Servers

Essentially, unmanaged dedicated servers have an operating system, connectivity, and hardware stability as managed through the company providing the service. At Hivelocity, our free services include data migration from any Ensim, Plesk, DirectAdmin, or cPanel server, including text and email alerts through service monitoring protocols. Additionally, we offer 24/7 ticket, chat, and phone support, as well as hardware diagnostics and replacement, network, and hardware SLA, network intrusion monitoring, 4 free OS reloads per month, and reboot solutions both remote and manual. Clients with unmanaged servers must then handle everything else themselves.

Managed Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers that include Managed Services have their hardware, connectivity, and software maintained by a data center replete with professionals operating on the technological cutting-edge. At Hivelocity, we feature 12 data centers retaining the highest technological functionality. This is necessary for competitive viability and client retention.

Our core prerogative revolves around providing the most streamlined, optimized management possible. As such, we are more familiar with contemporary security threats, operational best practices, and data monitoring procedures. Intrusion detection is more effective through a managed option than a solution as presided over by clients internally.

Additionally, such IaaS solutions are continuously maintained at optimum. Load testing, the latest security solutions, monitoring, associated support, and more are managed by our data center providing the dedicated server.

Managed Servers at a Hivelocity Portal


Finding Solutions Through The Right Tech Group

A facility built around providing management solutions will naturally have better ability to perform them; just as an auto garage has more tools, resources, and expertise than your backyard. Managed dedicated servers provide better operational functionality at a reduced cost for many businesses.

At Hivelocity, we provide services competitively and qualitatively. In terms of IaaS services, going with such solutions can save money and increase the potentiality of your operation through a more streamlined and cost-effective infrastructure. However, you may do better managing dedicated servers internally; it depends on your business. Seeking consultation for more information can help you make the most appropriate choice.


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