Dedicated server host, Hivelocity, announced this week it will be promoting exclusive server deals to its Twitter followers. Since March 27th Hivelocity has been sending out daily and sometimes hourly tweets announcing short term server promotions.

Since their first tweet just 2 weeks ago, Hivelocity has attracted over 900 followers. The Twitter phenomenon has taken the world by storm and Hivelocity is more than happy to capitalize on its success. From free secondary hard drives to $99 Core2Quad server offers, Hivelocity is making these offers exclusive to only people who have found them through Each of Hivelocity’s tweets to this point has been one day only and sometimes one hour only offers. “Twitter is a wonderful way to not only introduce non-customers to Hivelocity but to let existing customers know of company and network news. We plan on sending out at least one tweet every day announcing a great deal on a new server or cheap way to upgrade an old server. Everyone needs to know, these promotions are exclusive to our Twitter followers and the only way to know about them is to join our tweet” says Hivelocity’s General Manager, Steve Eschweiler.

Twitter is a free social networking site that allows its users to send short bursts of information to anyone who signs up as a follower of someone else. Each Tweet is limited to 140 characters and is meant to keep each follower up to speed with user’s day to day activities. Companies like Hivelocity using Twitter to keeps its followers up to speed with the company’s day to day activity is becoming more and more common.


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