How to install vsftpd?

First login into the server as root. Go to the /usr/local/src/ folder and download the latest version of vsftpd. # cd /usr/local/src/ # wget…d-2.0.5.tar.gz untar the tar.gz file. # tar -zxvf vsftpd-2.0.5.tar.gz Go to the directory and run the make file. # cd vsftpd-2.0.5 # make Once it is

FTP through an MSSQL stored procedure

This stored procedure takes four parameters: file to ftp server name or IP ftp login ftp password SP will ensure that local file exists before continuing, it will create and execute a batch file in order to push the file to the remote FTP server: –exec example EXEC dbo.up_FTPPushFile ‘c:\temp\test.txt’,

Bash Vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 “Shellshock” – How to Test and Patch.

A new vulnerability, known as “Shellshock”, was recently discovered within Bash. This security hole needs to be patched immediately to avoid potential exploits of your Linux server. Our Fully Managed cPanel customers have already had this patch applied since yesterday. An additional patch will likely be required to completely resolve

Best Practices for Securing a Linux Server

By: Tommy Craddock At Hivelocity we sell a few hundred Linux dedicated servers or Virtual Private Servers (VPS) every month. As a hosting provider and data center with thousands of dedicated and virtual servers our techs are on site 24/7 assisting our customers as issues arise. Many of the dedicated

What is the Difference Between Dual-Core and Quad-Core Processors?

If you’ve been working with computers for any length of time, you probably know that quad-core processors are faster than dual-core processors. But why? Well, the answer comes down to simple mathematics.   Dual-Core vs. Quad-Core As you may have already guessed from their names, a dual-core processor has two

PHP as an Apache Module

When PHP runs as an Apache module, PHP files work under the Apache user/group known as “nobody”. For example, when a PHP file needs to write to another file or create/remove a file, it does so under the name “nobody”. In order to allow “nobody” to do this, you need

How to prevent the DDOS?

To prevent DDOS, below are the steps: Setup the machine / network keeping security in mind Setup a firewall which does Ingress and Egress Filtering at Gateway. Eg: Steps to Install AFP bash# wget bash# tar -zxf apf-current.tar.gz bash# cd apf-<version number> bash# ./ Go through the Document in