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Is Your System Displaying Signal 11 Errors?

A signal 11 error, commonly know as a segmentation fault, means that the program accessed a memory location that was not assigned.
If you receive a fatal signal 11 error during your installation, it is probably due to a hardware error in memory on your system’s bus. A hardware error in memory can be caused by problems in executables or with the system’s hardware. Like other operating systems, Linux places its own demands on your system’s hardware. Some of this hardware may not be able to meet those demands, even if they work properly under another OS.
Ensure that you have the latest installation updates and images. Review the online errata to see if newer versions are available. If the latest images still fail, it may be due to a problem with your hardware. Commonly, these errors are in your memory or CPU-cache. A possible solution for this error is turning off the CPU-cache in the BIOS. You could also try to swap your memory around in the motherboard slots to check if the problem is either slot or memory related.
You can also try running the installation with only 256 MB of memory. This can be done by booting the installation program with the mem=256M boot option. To try this option, at the installation boot prompt, type:
where xxx should be replaced with the amount of memory in megabytes.
This command allows you to override the amount of memory the kernel detects for the machine. This may be needed for some older systems where only 16MB is detected by the installation program (but more RAM is present in the system), and for some new machines where the video card shares the video memory with the main memory.
Another option is to perform a media check on your installation CD-ROMs. The Linux installation program has the ability to test the integrity of the installation media. It works with the CD, DVD, hard drive ISO, and NFS ISO installation methods. It is recommended that you test all installation media before starting the installation process, and before reporting any installation-related bugs (many of the bugs reported are actually due to improperly-burned CDs). To use this test, type the following command at the boot: prompt (prepend with elilo for Itanium systems):
linux mediacheck
For more information concerning signal 11 errors, refer to:

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