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Installing Frontpage Extensions on Linux

To install Frontapage extensions on a Linux server, the following is the procedure.

This document describes how to install the Microsoft FrontPage extensions for Apache on Linux. These instructions were written specifically using Red Hat Linux 6.1 and Apache 1.3.9.
The specifics of these instructions assume that you have Apache setup per these instructions.
Getting mod_frontpage
These instructions assume that you are working as root:
su root
I save all downloads in:

Create that directory now if it doesn’t already exist:
mkdir /usr/local/download
The first thing we need to get are the cgi binaries to perform the frontpage operations on the server. This requires a quick registration before the massive download of the software. You want the Front Page 200 Server Extensions, which are in the file called:

The scary thing is that the combined download for MySQL, Apache and PHP is less than the size of this Frontpage Extension download. Save this as:
There is an installation script available to help us,, which you need to download and save as:
You can get the latest version of mod_frontpage from here. I am using mod_frontpage-VR4.tar.gz for these instructions. Here are the ftp commands:
cd /usr/local/download
cd pub/apache/mod_frontpage
get mod_frontpage-VR4.tar.gz

Pre-Installation for Front Page Extensions
The download script we downloaded above relies on the existence of the srm.conf and access.conf location pointers in httpd.conf. So, we need to uncomment the lines describing the location of the srm.conf and access.conf files in your Apache installation. Doing this has no effect on Apache since they are empty (by default) anyway. You need to change these lines:
#ResourceConfig conf/srm.conf
#AccessConfig conf/access.conf

to look like this:
ResourceConfig /www/conf/srm.conf
AccessConfig /www/conf/access.conf

Make sure to put the full path!

Installing Front Page Extensions
We are going to install using the script we downloaded above. The instructions in this section step you through the script.
cd /usr/local/download
chmod +x

I had a problem doing this once where the had been saved with MS-DOS style end of lines. I kept getting an error saying “File not Found” I think because the /bin/sh line at the start of this script looked like /bin/sh^M. To correct this problem you may need to remove the DOS end of line characters from the file. I did this in VIM with the following command:

You can make the ^M appear by pressing ctrl-V and then ctrl-M.

You should back up all of your web pages and configuration file before continuing. With my Apache setup this is a simple matter of doing:
cd /www
tar czf www.tgz conf servers

This creates an archive called www.tgz which contains all of your web pages and configuration files for Apache and PHP.

Now we can truthfully answer yes that we have created the necessary backups.

Make your default installation path be:

so it sits nicely with our httpd and php installations. The script will automatically create a link to this location from /usr/local/frontpage.

Your zcat that can uncompress

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