Your Webhosting Questions
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How to publish the site via http frontpage?

Frontpage has inbuilt HTTP which helps us to publish a site via HTTP.

Please refer the following steps to publish a website using Frontpage:

a.To publish your website via HTTP you must have Frontpage extensions installed on your server.

b.Before you publish the site, locate the web files on your local computer

c.After the files get opened up, Click on File and select Publish Destination which will ask you to enter your public destination.

d. Enter the UserName and Password as provided by your web host in the textboxes.

e. After you login you should see the location at which we will be publishing our files.

If you have more than one web host setup in front page, you may switch to that location.

f. You will see all your local files on left side and remote files on other side. You have to upload your file to the specific folder for example if you have cPanel as a control panel then your files would be in public_html and for Plesk the files would be in httpdocs.

g. Once you decide the folder, just drag and drop the files from left side panel to right side.

After an upload you will see a message that all files have been uploaded successfully.

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