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How to install Mysql on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server

  1. Login to your Ubuntu server with root user with your favorite SSH client

  2. Let’s first update the operating system with all the latest packages with the command

    sudo apt-get update

  1. In order to install mysql use the command as below

    apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql

  1. On the next screen , set the root password for Mysql server , Use the tab to move the cursor on OK button and press enter.

  1. We are done with installing Mysql

  1. Let’s configure and secure the Mysql server in order to use it with the commands


  1. In order to secure the Mysql installation you will need to answer a series of questions as below

  • Enter current password for root (enter for none): Provide the root password

  • Change the root password n

  • Remove anonymous users Y

  • Remove anonymous users Y

  • Disallow root logins remotely Y

  • Disallow root login remotely Y

  • Remove test database and access to it Y

  • And reload privilege tables Y

  • Reload privilege tables now Y


  1. We are done with securing the Mysql server installation. Let’s verify it with the command

    mysql –V

  1. Lets restart the Mysql service with the command

    service mysql restart

  1. You are done.

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