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How to backup and restore the database via phpmyadmin?

Following are the steps which could be referred

a. Open phpMyAdmin.

b. Select your database by clicking the database name in the list on the left of the screen.

c. Click the Export link.

This should bring up a new screen that says View dump of database (or something similar).

d. In the Export area, click the select all link to choose all of the tables in your database.

e. In the SQL options area, click the right options.

f. Click on the Save as file option and the corresponding compression option and then click the ‘Go’

Button. A dialog box should appear prompting you to save the file locally.

It is also very easy to restore your database and as well as backing it up.

a. Open phpMyAdmin.

b. Create an appropriately named database and select it by clicking the database name in the list on the

left of the screen. If you would like to rewrite the backup over an existing database then click on the

database name, select all the check boxes next to the table names and select Drop to delete all

existing tables in the database.

c. Click the SQL link. This should bring up a new screen where you can either type in SQL commands,

or upload your SQL file.

d. Use the browse button to find the database file.

e. Click Go button. This will upload the backup, execute the SQL commands and re-create your


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