Coming Soon

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In the coming months, Hivelocity is excited to release our latest product launch: our Virtual Private Server (VPS) solution. VPS uses virtualization technology to divide resources on a physical server that is shared with other users. While you get a dedicated server space, with a reserved amount of resources, their resources will never overlap – even with a server that may have multiple users accessing it at once. This is a powerful solution for businesses and individuals searching for a hosting solution that offers a balance of flexibility and affordability. By signing up for our email list, you’ll be the first to receive all of the details on our VPS launch, including pricing, specifications, and launch date.

But that’s not all – by subscribing to our email list, you’ll also be the first to know about any other new products we have in the pipeline. Whether it’s a cutting-edge solution, an advanced security feature, or a new data center location, our email list subscribers will always be in the know. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve.

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