While most of our customers don’t know who Nate is, most every customer has seen Nate more than any other member of the Hivelocity Team. No, Nate doesn’t answer the phones, he doesn’t respond to trouble ticket and he does not participate on our live chat either. Nate doesn’t even attend our networking events that include free food and beer. So how is Nate, a guy who seemingly has no interaction with our customers, one of the most recognizable employees at Hivelocity?

 Team member Nate KennisonTeam member Nate Kennison

Nate is the Manager of our System’s Deployment Department. This means Nate is in charge of making sure every new server we sell is assembled, installed and deployed on-time and exactly to spec. Since we deploy a lot of servers every day of the week this is an important job for sure. This also means that Nate spends a significant amount of time on our data center live stream located within myVelocity. Since our order tracker lets customers watch us rack up their new server orders, Nate is often the guy basking in the live stream spotlight. If you have ever watched our data center “dub step remix” video tour, Nate is in the spotlight once again.

Team member Nate Kennison Team member Nate Kennison

Nate has been a part of the Hivelocity team since 2006. Nate started out as one of our Systems Engineers and eventually took over the Build Department back in 2010. Today Nate and his team are able to deploy pretty much every server we sell in less than 4 hours. When Nate is not hunkered down in the “build room” he is most likely at the range shooting, at home gaming, or at the track drifting. Nate is one of the easiest guys to get along with you will ever meet and is beloved within the Hivelocity family.

Team member Nate Kennison Team member Nate Kennison


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