Hivelocity has recently launched several new server configurations keeping up with Intel’s latest processor releases. In the last month Hivelocity has added Ivy Bridge E3, Sandy Bridge E5 and Westmere E7 systems to their offerings and to their orders with Dell and SuperMicro.

Ivy Bridge is the code name for Intel’s latest “tock” release of the E3 processor family. Previous editions of this chip were referred to as Sandy Bridge with the new Ivy Bridge adding up to 20% more processing power. These latest processors work on the same motherboards as the Sandy Bridge processors with only a bios update to the board required. “We have been waiting on the Ivy Bridge systems to be released for a long time and have been taking orders for them for weeks before they were publicly available. Those pre-orders are online now and so far our customers are loving them. Based on the demand we have seen already we anticipate these new systems will fly off the shelves and into our racks,” says Hivelocity General Manager, Steve Eschweiler. “With a starting price of $155/month and a 20% increase in power our customers win again. More power for the same price always results in a happy consumer.”

In addition to the new Ivy Bridge systems, Hivelocity has also recently released Intel E5 Sandy Bridge servers as well as the mega-powerful quad-processor E7 Westmere systems. The E5 processor provide up to 8 cores of power on up to 2 sockets totaling up to 16 cores per server. The E7 processors also provide up to 10 cores of power but support up to 4 sockets allowing for up to 40 physical cores of processing power on one server. Hivelocity has created what it calls its “Beast” server line that bundles 2 of the E5 octo-core processors and 4 SAS drives with RAID 10 for just $479/month.

Hivelocity provides dedicated server and cloud hosting to customers in over 130 countries worldwide. Hivelocity has recently announced plans to build out additional data center space at their Tampa headquarters which will support an additional 5000 servers.

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