Due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Hivelocity has taken the following precautionary steps in order to ensure consistent operations throughout this situation. Our focus will remain to ensure the health and wellbeing of our team, along with all data centers and client services remaining fully operational.

Hivelocity has implemented the following precautionary procedures:

  • We have implemented a remote and semi-remote staff schedule. All members of the Hivelocity team that are able to work remote have been instructed to do so.
  • Where possible, our on-site workforce will be divided into 2 teams with each assigned to a single data center.
  • Elimination of shared workspaces.
  • Elimination of unnecessary business travel.
  • Engaging with critical vendors and partners to ensure inventory and services continue to be provided as needed.
  • Establishing the following office and data center entrance guidelines below.

For all visitors and staff of Hivelocity offices and data centers globally, Hivelocity directs the following:

  • If you have been experiencing flu-like symptoms in the past 14-days, we have advised staff, visitors, and clients they are prohibited from entering. If someone is at high risk or has family members with symptoms, they are advised to stay home.
  • Hivelocity will follow local government requirements and we will enforce those requirements, including quarantines, mask-wearing, and temperature checks.
  • All individuals should practice the highest levels of personal hygiene while in offices and data centers.
  • Additional hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes have been installed in all facilities.
  • Nightly cleaning of offices will be supplemented with enhanced cleaning of work-spaces, break, and restrooms.
  • Indefinite suspension of all Friday office lunches and other group/community gatherings.

Rest assured, Hivelocity is closely monitoring the recommendations of local health authorities as well as our building representatives in all of our locations.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and concerns throughout this rapidly changing situation. We will continue to monitor and do our best to keep you informed on any significant changes to our procedures or processes that may impact you further.

As always, we appreciate the confidence you place in the Hivelocity team.

Best Regards,
Mike Architetto

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